The area of Porto Rafael-Punta Sardegna is famous for its variety of very different beaches. They can all be reached by foot or by car. Don’t miss the following: Nelson BeachRada di Mezzo Schifo Spiaggia della Piazzetta Punta Stroppello Cala MartinellaCalette sulla via per Cala di Trana Cala di Trana Cala Scilla Costa Serena Spiaggia di Liscia Grande Oasi Permanente di Protezione Faunistica e di Cattura di Coluccia Caprera e le Isole dell’Arcipelago Maddalenino . Make sure you take the time to discover the Isola di Caprera. You can do this by foot or by car. Discover the other islands via excursion boats.

Clean Water

All sewage (domestic and industrial) are processed separately. If you see water flowing into the sea, there is no need for concern. These are streams due to rain especially in the spring (e.g. Nelson) or ponds of brackish water that are created due to the osmotic effect of the stratification of the sand (e.g. part of the Serena beach, Oase Liscia, Sciumara.) These small lakes or ponds are permanent and are protected as natural reserves.